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Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report

Don Schimmel's Radio Intrigue

Joe Carr's Tech Notes

Radio Basics

Frequency vs. Wavelength

Modes and Modulation

Call Sign Prefixes

UTC/GMT Conversion

Radio Terms

Shortwave Radio

Introduction to Shortwave Listening

Tuning 150 kHz to 30 MHz

Selecting a Shortwave Radio

Reporting and QSLs

Receiver Reference

Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey

Favorite Tube-Type Shortwave Receivers

Scanner Monitoring

Introducing the "Action Bands"

The World Above 30 MHz

Selecting a Scanner

National Scanner Frequency Guide

Other Radio Hobbies

Ham Radio

AM Band DXing

Longwave DXing

Clandestine Radio

Pirate Radio

Numbers Stations


Radio Links

Shortwave Listening

Radio Collecting

Radio Clubs

International Broadcasters

Scanner Listening

Ham Radio

Web-Controlled Radios


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The links below are to Web sites containing information of interest to scanner radio monitors. If you run across a Web site of interest to scanner listeners, or if one of the links below does not work or changes its URL, please click here to let us know.

Arizona Fire Frequencies. Statewide listings.

Capital Hill monitors Maryland, DC, parts of Delaware and Virginia.

General Scanner Frequencies. Shows genric frequencies used by various services.

Los Angeles Fire Department. Frequencies used by America's largest fire department.

General Scanner Frequencies. A new site providing scanner frequencies and more.

MONIX. A full spectrum radio listening web site for the greater Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio area.

Radio Reference. Downloadable data for all 50 states, Canada and other areas. Extensive wiki, line audio, forums, software links, etc.

Radio Scanner Guide A comprehensive guide to police scanner radios.

Scan New England Extensive coverage of all New England states.

Universal Radio new scanners and new wideband receivers.
Universal Radio discontinued scanners and discontinued wideband receivers

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