Up Front
Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report
Don Schimmel's Radio Intrigue
Joe Carr's Tech Notes
Radio Basics
Frequency vs. Wavelength
Modes and Modulation
Call Sign Prefixes
UTC/GMT Conversion
Radio Terms
Shortwave Radio
Introduction to Shortwave Listening
Tuning 150 kHz to 30 MHz
Selecting a Shortwave Radio
Reporting and QSLs
Receiver Reference
Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey
Favorite Tube-Type Shortwave Receivers
Scanner Monitoring
Introducing the "Action Bands"
The World Above 30 MHz
Selecting a Scanner
National Scanner Frequency Guide
Other Radio Hobbies
Ham Radio
AM Band DXing
Longwave DXing
Clandestine Radio
Pirate Radio
Numbers Stations
Radio Links
Shortwave Listening
Radio Collecting
Radio Clubs
International Broadcasters
Scanner Listening
Ham Radio
Web-Controlled Radios
Universal Radio
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This section of DXing.com is designed to provide the radio hobbyist with concise information on the value, features, specifications and performance of popular modern shortwave radios. This information will help the listener make an informed choice when purchasing a modern used shortwave receiver. The following questions are addressed:
- What does it look like?
- When was the radio sold?
- What did it sell for when new?
- What is the current used market value?
- Where was the radio made?
- What frequencies does it cover?
- What modes does it receive?
- Is the frequency display analog or digital?
- If a digital display, what is its resolution?
- What voltages (or batteries) are required?
- What accessories were made for it?
- How was the receiver rated?
Receivers built in the last twenty years are solid state. Solid state means the circuit is composed of transistors and integrated circuits rather than vacuum tubes. The problems of tube aging, such as heat and wear, are not a factor with solid state sets. In fact, most solid state receivers work as well five or ten years after they were made as the day they came out of the factory.
A rating of 1 to 5 stars for the model as a value on the used market.
HHHHH Excellent HHHH Very Good HHH Good HH Fair H Poor. Please note that this is a value rating, not an absolute rating.
The used price shown is for a typical working unit in good condition with manual. (Prices realized on ebay are typically higher). These informational listings do not represent an offer to buy or an offer to sell.
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Values, ratings and specifications are subject to change. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, the originator assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors. No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information herein.
We hope you find this information useful. If you would like this material in a handy book form then we recommend . . .
Communications Receivers 1942-2013
By Fred Osterman. A comprehensive guide to over 1700 shortwave, amateur and commercial communications receivers (plus 1200 variants) manufactured produced in the last 70 years. With 1800 photos and information including: coverage, circuit type, display, features, performance, new & used values (for most), reviews, etc. Over 360 domestic and international manufacturers are represented. Become an instant receiver expert. Fourth Edition. ©2014 Hard bound 800 pages.
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Available from Universal Radio and other select radio and book dealers.
A Market Guide to Modern Shortwave Radios
By Fred Osterman. Buying a used shortwave radio can provide great savings if you have the facts. This affordable market guide features the top 100 most sought after portables and tabletops produced in the last 20 years. Photo, specs, features, ratings, plus new and used values for each. Fourth Edition. ©1998 Universal Radio Research. 78 pages.
Available from Universal Radio and other select radio and book dealers.
Click here to visit Universal Radio's online catalog.