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Report #017 02/01/2001
This is the sub-title of a Russian sponsored website which can be seen at www.agentura.ru/english/ and it contains information on various special services. When you look at this site I believe you will agree that for the most part the English items are a thinly veiled effort to set forth favorable impressions of the special services of Russia. It appears that there is much more material in the Russian language than in English and the best that can be
said for the English versions is that they are very corrupt translations. As a brief example here is the opening statement of AGENTURA (As it actually appears): "Site Agentura, On behalf of national security - is about Russian and world special services. We collect here all fragmentary information about those who traditionally looks to live in the shadow...." Why they chose not to provide better translations is certainly a mystery.
In spite of the shortcomings of the translations, there are some interesting items on the website. I downloaded sections pertaining to FAPSI, GRU, SVR, and the opening section of AGENTURA . I plan to revisit the latter section because most of those items could be clicked on resulting in additional details on the particular subject.
Federal'naya Agenstvo Pravitel'stvennoy Svayazi i Informatsii.
Federal Agency for Government Communications & Information (Russia)
During January I could only provide very limited coverage of these stations. I did observe that the Cuban relay station still uses 16216 kHz and the field uses 13423 kHz for the 1445 UTC sked. The mode remains RTTY 75/500.
On the single time I was able to check the broadcast to KRN, which previously was on Thursdays at 1735 UTC on 17414 kHz, I did not hear the sked. Perhaps time, frequency, and day have been changed??
For several months I have looked at the website at www.rferl.org/newsline and found it to be a good source of a variety of news regarding Russia. Of particular interest just recently was a 17 January item which told of consideration being given to the formation of a Mega-Intelligence Service. This plan would merge FAPSI, SVR, Federal Security Service, Federal Protection Service and the Directorate in the Interior Ministry for Combatting Organized Crime into a single Federal Security Department whose capacities "will be even greater than those of the former KGB and its director will become the second most influential person in Russia." The plan would result in the interior and emergency ministries losing their forces, and the regional leaders will have no say in the operation of the single intelligence service.
JANUARY LOGGINGS in kHz order with comments and UTC date/time
198 DIW Dixon, NC 08/1914
208 JYN Goldsboro, NC 10/0141
216 CLB Wilmington, NC 08/1917
230 AQE Greenville, NC 08/1923
250 WGBR He doesn't belong here. This is WGBR 1150 kHz.
274 IS Kinston, NC (ex-401 kHz) 10/l1733
336 MCZ Williamston, NC 08/1950
338 POB Fayetteville/Ft Bragg/Pope AFB, NC 08/1949
344 DPL Kenansville, NC 08/1952
350 LE Raleigh/Durham, NC 10/0151
388 RNW Washington/Chocowinity, NC 08/1910
391 DDP San Juan, PR 10/0153
The above beacons and markers were monitored at Goldsboro, NC
209 SYS Somerset, PA 24/2351
227 GDX Upperville, VA 24/2354
254 EUD York, PA (Ex-285 kHz) 24/2357
260 XCB Carlisle, PA 24/2359
265 XPZ Mt. Weather VIP Facility, VA 25/0001
317 CBE Cumberland, MD 25/0005
328 BZJ Indiantown Gap, PA 25/0007
332 QT Thunderbay, Ont., Canada 25/0010
344 CL Cleveland, OH 25/0014
353 MG Montgomery, NY 25/0015
353 CGE Cambridge, MD (Ex-257 kHz) 25/0017
362 AK Akron, OH 25/0018
363 RNB Millville, NJ 25/0019
364 TZ Winchester, VA 25/0020
366 YMW Maniwaki, PQ, Canada 25/0021
382 BHU Latrobe, PA 25/0022
385 GAI Gaithersburg, MD 25/0024
404 LTV Norfolk, VA (Poss Ex-364 kHz) 25/0026
407 RV Reedsville, PA 25/0027
408 HBD Youngstown, OH 25/0028
410 JU West Jefferson, NC 25/0029
432 IZN Lincolnton, NC 25/0031
The above beacons and markers were monitored at Hedgesville, WV. Reception was very good during 24/25 January.
13374 YL/EE with 5F grps in USB. 25/1513
13529 RTTY 76/880 w/coded wx. 25/1527
16315 YL/EE with 5F grps. 30/1430
16477 RR/OM in conversation w/unheard person. Language identified by several Russian words. 10/1704
16950 DE RFTJE (French Navy, Dakar, Senegal) in RTTY 75/850. 25/1539
End of Report
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