DXing.com: The Web Resource for Radio Hobbyists ©1999-2023 Universal Radio Research

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Glenn Hauser's DX Listening Digest

Don Schimmel's Radio Intrigue

Joe Carr's Tech Notes

Radio Basics

Frequency vs. Wavelength

Modes and Modulation

Call Sign Prefixes

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Radio Terms

Shortwave Radio

Introduction to Shortwave Listening

Tuning 150 kHz to 30 MHz

Selecting a Shortwave Radio

Reporting and QSLs

Receiver Reference

Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey

Favorite Tube-Type Shortwave Receivers

Scanner Monitoring

Introducing the "Action Bands"

The World Above 30 MHz

Selecting a Scanner

National Scanner Frequency Guide

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Welcome to DXing.com. Universal Radio Research is pleased to sponsor this informative website for radio enthusiasts, originally created by noted author Harry Helms. DXing is the art and science of listening to distant stations (D=distance X=xmitter or transmitter). You will now find all the information from the original site plus some exciting new features. DXing.com was last updated on:  January 7, 2025.

  • Newsroom
    Items of interest to the radio enthusiasts.
    Updated 12/29/24:  Choyong Radio LC90 portable receiver. World Radio TV Handbook 2025, Worldwide Listening Guide 11th Edition, Klingenfuss Shortwave Listening Guide 2025, Sangean portable radio for the visually impaired, Universal Radio, Uniden SDS200 base/mobile scanner, COMPACtenna SW indoor receive antenna, Icom IC-R30 Wideband Receiver, Longwave Club of America, New Yaesu FT-818 transceiver, Winter SWL Fest, Pricing and availability announced on CommRadio CTX-10, new AOR AR-DV10 and AR5700D wideband receivers, new antenna book by Bob Grove, Icom IC-R8600 wideband receiver shipping, D.E.A.R.S. Club gets new equipment, Two new Yaesu HTs, Eton Grundig Field adds Bluetooth®, DMR Day.

  • Don Schimmel's Radio Intrigue
    Here is an archive of fascinating monthly reports that gives you a glimpse into the dark underworld of radio. It is indeed intriguing!

  • Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey
    Photos, specifications, values and ratings for 100 commonly traded solid state shortwave radios. If you are on the market for a modern shortwave radio, please check here first. Here are the figures, photos and stats you need to be an informed buyer.

  • Favorite Tube-Type Shortwave Receivers
    You didn't think we would ignore the "boat anchor" crowd did you? Find photos, basic specs. and current pricing on your favorite tube shortwave receivers from yesteryear. We are still adding entries. Is your favorite up yet?

  • Joe Carr's Tech Notes
    These insightful reports address many commonly asked radio questions.
    Also check out Joe's book Joe Carr's Loop Antenna Handbook

  • Radio Collecting Links -
    If you collect, restore or simply fondly remember manufacturers like Hammarlund, Hallicrafters and National, here is a place to link to further information.

  • All reference material on the blue side-menu.
    Here is a mini-education course on many aspects of hobby radio including AM DXing, shortwave listening, ham radio, antennas and more!

  • John Wagner's Shortwave Tips & Tricks
    Veteran shortwave listener, John Wagner, shares his insights and experience on topics of interest to the shortwave enthusiasts. This section will address many of the questions that Universal Radio receives from listeners regarding antennas, preselectors and tuners.

If you have comments or suggestions regarding DXing.com please email them to: editor@dxing.com

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Entire contents copyright ©1999-2024 by Universal Radio Research, 752 N. State St. Unit 222, Westerville, Ohio 43082 U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Note: No goods or services are available from this website. It is for educational and informational purposes only.